In my Rammus post I talked about how I despise tanking. I found a loophole! I love casters, more specifically, I love burst casters. This week, a hero named Galio is free. Last night Cuddly, Pho, Turoth and myself were playing LoL and as per usual, none of them picked a tank. I saw Galio and was like...could be fun. This hero is built like a tank but plays like a caster, two damage spells and an AoE taunt that also has a damage component.
Galio is obviously hard to play. |
Keep in mind that was one of my first games with Galio. Ever. This hero combined with Pho's Vladamir and Cuddly's Xin Zhao was just disgusting. Every single team fight involved me running in, AoE taunting, followed by Cuddly and Pho just raping shit. The greatest part about this guy is that he is almost unkillable. They ganked me atleast 10 times and every time on vent I just said "I'd be worried...but I'm Galio."
Another thing to point out was this was Cuddly's first game as Xin in about 3 months and he tried to jungle. This was the most pathetic display of jungling I have seen in ages. I'm pretty sure he had to go back to base at level 2. Also I saved his life like 4 times, so he owes me his first born child.
It sounds like Galio is totally balanced right? I mean shouldn't all heros be able to practically win the game single handedly?
ReplyDeleteHa obviously, tanks need to be nerfed so hard
ReplyDeleteDefinately.... But didn't dota have the same problem? Maybe not quite so bad but I mean think of leoric.
ReplyDeleteGalio sounds pretty cool though that's probably why he's hard to play
ReplyDeleteI need to play LoL more so I understand what's happening :/
ReplyDeletei should really check out LoL
ReplyDeleteI've never played, looks and sounds ok though
ReplyDeletelol, tanks need a major buff... not a nerf
ReplyDeletelike mac i have to do the same, i played lol half an year ago
ReplyDeleteSounds like I need to get into LoL. Sounds like a good time! Enjoy the OP tanks until they get nerfed
ReplyDeleteSee, and I'm the opposite. I love to tank, because it feels like I'm the make-or-break guy of the group. I like leading, setting the pace, and being the center of the action.
ReplyDeleteHow have I never heard of any of these computer games I'm reading about lately, if you could write a review or something on this game when you get time I'd appreciate it a lot!