Feb 15, 2011

Successful Jungle

I know I just made another league blog but I've been wanting to talk about this since I made this blog.  One day me and Cuddly both really wanted to jungle (read: kill neutrals instead of laning against an opponent) and both of us are incredibly stubborn.  The problem is more then one jungle is problematic, there are only enough neutral monsters on one side of the river for one person.  So what we did was we took their jungle.  Short aside, that Penta kill screenshot is of a game where me and Cuddly were double jungling.

Anyhow, this really shouldn't have worked but it was the most hilarious thing I've done in awhile.  They would see the loading screen.  "Two potential junglers both having smite?  They must be noobs, this will be an easy game!" they must have thought.  The problem came when we started ruining the day of their jungler.  In the 4 games we did this, we got first blood every single game.  We completely dominated the early game laning phase.  The entire enemy team feared to leave there towers against a method that wasn't viable in the slightest.

All of this was made better by the fact that every single team felt the need to point out how stupid we were at the beginning of the game.  Every single one of them insulted our double jungle strategy and they all fell victim to the might of the ZeMo.  Never underestimate a stupid strategy when its being used against stupid people.

Lastly, sadly its midterms for most of the ZeMo's so the gaming sessions have been cut back lately so the influx of new stories is low, but I will find stuff from the past and talk about it,  I think I have some Warhammer screenshots lying around....


  1. Yeah, school before video games bro.

  2. This reminds me of a story my buddy was telling me the other day about how he got humiliated by a neutral mob. Not exactly in line with your story but my friend is an idiot lol

  3. interesting story haha. be back to check out more.

  4. a strategy isn't stupid if it works

  5. I've had to cut back a lot since going to college.

  6. I always love it when somebody makes fun of you in a video game (for ranking or whatever) then you go on to completely school them. It's a rewarding feeling.

  7. Is warhammer online fun? I've played wow for two years on and off and I like it, but I've heard that the PvP in warhammer is intense. Do you recommend it over WoW? (do not want a fanboy-vs-fanboy argument LOL =P )

  8. I thought it was alright but WoW was better. WaR was only fun with friends and even then it was rather unbalanced.

  9. midterms are the worst, ALWAYS spaced just far enough apart that you lose 3 straight weeks of free time i find

  10. Ah, that sucks about the tests. Good luck with them, and just post at your own pace.

  11. Good luck with your tests bro, and give us the old stories! would be awesome to hear them
